Monthly Contemplative Gatherings:
Friday, January 3rd, 11 AM to Noon
and Monday, January 6th, 7 PM to 8 PM
Reflect and Refresh Your Soul
January Reflection
Thank Goodness
Jon Gottsegen
SDCO Guiding Circle Member
There is a crack, a crack in everything.
That’s how the light gets in.
-- Leonard Cohen
As powerful as Leonard’s anthem to imperfection is, in my mind he is telling only half of the story. The cracks are also how the light gets OUT. In this time of darkness, with the moon waning in the darkest time of the year, the flow of light out is dearly needed.
Common wisdom is that we light candles to bring light into the dark at this time of year, as if we’re afraid of the dark. In our culture, darkness often brings a sense of foreboding, a sense of bad, but that’s a limited view. . [More]
What Does Spirituality Mean to Us?
Spirituality has to do with the spirit as in the essence of being human – your soul or your inner life. It is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. Spirituality can be about a journey of transforming our spiritual, psychological and somatic aspects of ourselves to become more our true selves, who are created in the image of God. Click Here
About SDCO:
Mission: Supporting a spiritually connected community of spiritual directors and seekers to engage creatively and to grow through providing resources while utilizing contemplative practice and compassionate presence.
Purpose: Fostering a welcoming and diverse community of spiritual directors and seekers dedicated to the inspired and imaginative presence of the sacred in the lives of our members and all whom we encounter.
Vision: Envisioning a Colorado where spiritual guidance enriches people’s lives, faith communities, and organizations, transforming lives, healing and protecting the natural world, while honoring the sacred.
Finding a Spiritual Director
The Spiritual Director journeys with you as you deepen your relationship with God. The journey takes place in the context of a confidential session with your Spiritual Director. The person coming for Spiritual Direction is trying to be serious about some form of intentional prayer and reflection on God's presence in everyday life. The Director is a facilitator, with God, Spirit, or Higher Power being the true Director.
Spiritual Direction Colorado is pleased to provide a list of Spiritual Directors as a resource to people throughout the state of Colorado and beyond.
Member Spotlight
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If you are a Spiritual Direction Colorado member and would like to be featured, please contact us at
Thank you for your participation.
Spiritual Direction Colorado Membership
In an effort to assure that Spiritual Direction Colorado is a fiscally responsible organization several levels of membership have been created encouraging those within the community to participate and help our mission.