Contemplative Gatherings
You are invited to join other members of Spiritual Direction Colorado in our monthly gathering, which functions much like group Spiritual Direction.
Together, we create a sacred space where participants are invited to pause and check in -- with their bodies, with their current experiences, and with one another. We witness ourselves and each other and honor whatever arises by simply being with it.
Meetings begin with a guided meditation/visualization/reading that helps ground and focus participants.
Following this, we are broken into small groups to share our experiences (often guided by a question related to the opening meditation) and provide holy listening for one another.
Finally, the entire group reconvenes to explore another level of sharing and a brief closing before heading back into our days.
No previous experience or participation is required. This is not a time for giving advice or engaging in intellectual debate. Rather, in this circle we are blessed to offer and receive authenticity, deep presence, and spiritual companionship.
Not a member? Join HERE.