Spiritual Direction Colorado Upcoming Events

Book Study- Life After Doom, Wisdom and Courage for A World Falling Apart

By Brian McLaren

Facilitator: Jane Ann Ferguson, Nancy Arko, and Margaret Arms

Massive changes are unfolding around us.

In his book Life After Doom, Brian McLaren addresses our growing sense of worry and oftentimes despair. Working honestly with the realities of climate change, he engages us in a fresh look at the meaning of hope. When faced with all the harsh realities of our time, McLaren emphasizes it is best not to go it alone. Community is crucial. He also emphasizes that whether we choose to deal with the realities of “a world falling apart” with denial or with a realistic understanding of our future makes a crucial difference.

McLaren’s spiritual depth, sense of faith and hope ring true in this book. Having studied the issues broadly, drawing insights from diverse perspectives, McLaren discusses the complexity of hope and the importance of community as we process our grief for what we are losing. He guides us through careful and creative processes for discerning our personal responses. Even if we are not able to reverse our current course, there are things we can do to mourn the losses, share our grief, live into our integrity and responsibility to Earth and each other.

The book study will meet for 8 consecutive weeks by Zoom on Thursday evenings at 6:00 – 7:30 pm MT beginning March 20, 2025. Our sessions will be interwoven with contemplative time and sharing. We will move through the book three to four chapters a week with a final session focusing on our personal calls to response. You can find the book on Amazon, Thriftbooks, Biblio, Audible, and AudioBooksNow, as well as your local bookshop. The group will be facilitated by Jane Anne Ferguson (spiritual director in Fort Collins, CO), Nancy Arko (spiritual director in Denver, CO) and Margaret Arms (spiritual director in Colorado Springs, CO).

If you feel called to participate, please RSVP to the registration link below. We suggest a donation of $20 to SDCO if possible. However, donation is optional. Don’t let it prohibit it you from joining us!  We hope you will! 

Register For the Book Study

Open to the Nature of Revelation

Date: June 28, 2025

Time: 10 AM to 4 PM

Location: Glacier View Ranch, Ward, CO

Please join us once again for a day of spiritual connection with the more-than-human world, community, yourself and the Divine on Saturday June 28. Summer will have begun. The earth will be fully awake singing her sacred songs. We will join in the wild dance and touch our own sacred wild. In the mystical traditions, revelation and creation is occurring every day. Let's see what has been and is still being revealed, our own source and power of (co)creation.

This day will be led by Jon Gottsegen, one of our Guiding Circle members. Spiritual Director, Forest Bathing Guide and guide of wilderness rites of passage. It will consist of guided contemplative walks and wanders and group time both as a large group and small groups to incorporate the discoveries on the walks and will include lunch. 

For any questions, please contact us or Jon at jongottsegen@gmail.com

You are invited to join other members of your spiritual direction community for a virtual gathering, to observe this sacred season. Please bring a poem or reading to share as we gather to speak our truth, to listen, reflect and deepen our experience of this holy time.