Spiritual Direction Colorado Upcoming Events

Spiritual Direction Conversation Circle
with Calvin Wulf

Date: May 16th

Time: 7 PM to 8:30 PM

Location: Zoom Workshop

Participate in a peer-to-peer conversation circle that supports, nourishes, and encourages our spiritual director members. It offers a safe space where all spiritual traditions are welcome and affirmed.

 The purpose is to provide a gathering where we can share personal joys and struggles rather than peer supervision. 

The format has a flexible process that offers personal sharing, and allows for group spiritual direction or discernment, Lectio Divina, or guided meditation as needs of the group assembled at each meeting may present. 

Calvin Wulf, spiritual director, and retreat facilitator will convene and guide The Spiritual Director’s Circle. He brings decades of experience in spiritual guidance and group facilitation. Calvin also has a special gifting of compassion and encouragement.

The link will be sent to members early the week of May 16th. Watch for it in your in-box.